About Us
EXE contact Email: contact_exe@yahoo.com.au
EXE, what does it mean?:
originated from terms... 'execute' that means to perform a task, and complete it... this should remind us all, that doing it is far more important than saying it....
EXE core:
the main fuel for EXE are the 100 octane Friendship and 'respect' octane booster... strong bond of friendship and brotherhood (or sisterhood :P) is based on a strong core... and the core of EXE is you and me as the EXE crew
remember that EXE is all from the members, and for the members.... its all depend on all of you... everysingle EXE crew... without all of you, there wont be EXE till today...
doing things together, help each other and have lots of fun will make our bond stronger. conflicts, argument, and differences will always be there. but just remember, every single time we overcome on problem after another, our bond will get even stronger. nobody is perfect but together, we can be. later on you will all realise (some of you may already realised it) that friendship is not about 'changing', but its more about 'accepting'.
EXE will start to grow in you when 'me' become 'we' and when 'mine' become 'us'. also once ur in it, it will always inside you. so for those who believe that 'friendship' is the only 'ship' that will never sink, let we all keep in mind that EXE is not about what u drive and what u have... its more about friendship that will last longer than our car, our money, and our age.
fatty flame / Flameboy
NB: pardon my broken english
EXE crew:
a close member of exe that active and closely related to EXE in daily basis... more like the main family member. they are either founding member, old member or a really friendly and active new member....
EXE forum members:
consist of EXE crew and others, that is most of you that joined the EXE forum, invited, or been to one of EXE events. most EXE-crew are recuited from the forum members
EXE activities and events
keep in mind that EXE are based and started offline... not online... EXE will be mostly active offline not on the forum... forums is there to help and assist EXE crew members to organise events, learning resource, exchange pics, for documenting EXE activities, and help EXE crew find the future EXE crew...
EXE events is a good chance to get to know the EXE crews and getting closer in the friendship bound....
how to become EXE crew:
the requirements are simple...
1. understand our EXE core (http://www.exe-crew.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49), and if ur on the same boat and agree with what we're thinking, then go to step 2
2. Get involved / active:
for Melbourne/Vic members:
EXE are based in melb/vic... so get active, come to our events but do more then just attending... get to know the EXE crew and be friend with them. treat them like ur own family... but be yourself... we like originality here... as long as u get along with all EXE crew, there shouldnt be any problem of u becoming one of EXE crew. you also have to be fairly active in the forum... dont have to feel that ur car is not fast enough, or not good enough... exe is about you, your passion to cars and motorsports... anyone can buy a nice cars... but not everyone can buy friendship...
for interstate members:
in forums. contribute articles, thread, info. treat this forum like your own... when you are very active, and get along with everyone... then u'll be an EXE crew.
3. once again... remember the EXE core... that will keep EXE alive
EXE, what does it mean?:
originated from terms... 'execute' that means to perform a task, and complete it... this should remind us all, that doing it is far more important than saying it....
EXE core:
the main fuel for EXE are the 100 octane Friendship and 'respect' octane booster... strong bond of friendship and brotherhood (or sisterhood :P) is based on a strong core... and the core of EXE is you and me as the EXE crew
remember that EXE is all from the members, and for the members.... its all depend on all of you... everysingle EXE crew... without all of you, there wont be EXE till today...
doing things together, help each other and have lots of fun will make our bond stronger. conflicts, argument, and differences will always be there. but just remember, every single time we overcome on problem after another, our bond will get even stronger. nobody is perfect but together, we can be. later on you will all realise (some of you may already realised it) that friendship is not about 'changing', but its more about 'accepting'.
EXE will start to grow in you when 'me' become 'we' and when 'mine' become 'us'. also once ur in it, it will always inside you. so for those who believe that 'friendship' is the only 'ship' that will never sink, let we all keep in mind that EXE is not about what u drive and what u have... its more about friendship that will last longer than our car, our money, and our age.
fatty flame / Flameboy
NB: pardon my broken english
EXE crew:
a close member of exe that active and closely related to EXE in daily basis... more like the main family member. they are either founding member, old member or a really friendly and active new member....
EXE forum members:
consist of EXE crew and others, that is most of you that joined the EXE forum, invited, or been to one of EXE events. most EXE-crew are recuited from the forum members
EXE activities and events
keep in mind that EXE are based and started offline... not online... EXE will be mostly active offline not on the forum... forums is there to help and assist EXE crew members to organise events, learning resource, exchange pics, for documenting EXE activities, and help EXE crew find the future EXE crew...
EXE events is a good chance to get to know the EXE crews and getting closer in the friendship bound....
how to become EXE crew:
the requirements are simple...
1. understand our EXE core (http://www.exe-crew.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49), and if ur on the same boat and agree with what we're thinking, then go to step 2
2. Get involved / active:
for Melbourne/Vic members:
EXE are based in melb/vic... so get active, come to our events but do more then just attending... get to know the EXE crew and be friend with them. treat them like ur own family... but be yourself... we like originality here... as long as u get along with all EXE crew, there shouldnt be any problem of u becoming one of EXE crew. you also have to be fairly active in the forum... dont have to feel that ur car is not fast enough, or not good enough... exe is about you, your passion to cars and motorsports... anyone can buy a nice cars... but not everyone can buy friendship...
for interstate members:
in forums. contribute articles, thread, info. treat this forum like your own... when you are very active, and get along with everyone... then u'll be an EXE crew.
3. once again... remember the EXE core... that will keep EXE alive
1 comment:
i like what you guys are saying and i'd like to become a member so i guess you'll be seeing me some time . snake.
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